Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Explosive Declaration (Le Boomb!)

5...Your palms are sweating as the die gets closer to you.
4...You breathe deep as the player before you rolls nothing.
3...You shake as the die was cast, and now you have the bomb before you.
2...Nothing.  You wait in silence, praying the bomb is moved.
1...YES!  The bomb is passed, you are safe, for now.
LE BOOMB!  You were so lucky...

BACKGROUND: Le Boomb is a dice game for 2+ players, and was created by H. Jean Vanaise & Pete Fenlon, and published by Mayfair Games.  In short, the game is hot potato with a die and a bomb.

GAMEPLAY:  Each turn, a player rolls the die and passes it.  If a player rolls the lit fuse, nothing happens. When a player rolls the bomb, they are passed it.  Then, once any player rolls the explosion, the player holding the bomb is out.

WINNING:  The game ends once all but 1 player is eliminated, the last player standing wins.

CONCLUSION:  If you've ever played Dreidal or LCR, you'll know exactly what kind of game you're looking at.  For those that haven't, this game can be summed up in 3 words: Short and simple.  There's no strategy, no mechanical complexity, just you and the luck of the die.  Again, I'm gonna recommend this to those people who are unwilling to play most board games, or maybe children who have a short attention span, but that's about it.  There's plenty of really good games that you can pass on something this simple.

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